Thursday, March 21, 2013

Real quick-- I promise.

Monday my sweet hubby took the day off from work to care for me. That's the way I spin it. Another way to spin it is to say he had to stay home to make sure the two oldest got to school and the baby didn't sit in his crib all day. But, I like to say he did it for ME! It was a sweet gesture though there was nothing he could do to help me. My hair's too short to hold back when I puke and I really didn't need help crawling back to bed.

It's actually beyond a sweet gesture if you knew that three years ago something similar happened, but he almost left me not in the bed to recover, but completely-- as in 'I'm going to a hotel with a suitcase.' I had alcohol poisoning one night and begged him to take me to the hospital, all I needed was an IV and something for the nausea. He reluctantly agreed to take me but first he took the kids to a neighbors and out of spite and his own pain told them where we going and (horribly) WHY we were going there. It was the cinematic equivalent of when the good guy has the bad guy on the floor, on his stomach, beaten, hands tied behind his back, and steps on his face for the hell of it.

Those days I felt his presence like a massive iceberg moving through the house. There was nothing between us and the waters were widening.

But Monday there was just warmth. There was no distance, no divide, no my side, his side. He just wanted to help ME! I wanted to kiss him but obviously he wouldn't let me do that.

We got global warming going on right here! But mine is a miracle, a gift! Oh, and I am so grateful.

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